

Online telehealth sessions are always available to ensure your safety and health, as well as mine. Due to the COVID-19 numbers in the area, sessions will be conducted via online tele-health for the foreseeable future.

For more information please review the telehealth therapy information located under the services section.


Starting now, you can begin a brand new journey toward a more positive path for yourself – one that’s filled with growth, well being, acceptance, and empowerment.

What can therapy do for me?

There are a variety of benefits that can come from therapy, and they tend to be individualized. Therapists are there to provide levels of support, teach certain skills, and help patients discover new coping strategies for things like anxiety, depression, stress, or even creative blocks. You don’t need to have some kind of ‘major disorder’ to find usefulness from a therapist. In fact, if you’re simply looking for personal growth in any aspect of your life, you can typically find the skills and resources through therapy to help with family problems, marital issues, and more. Essentially, a therapist offers a different way of looking at things – perhaps a perspective you haven’t yet considered, which makes it easier to point you in the right direction, and find the solutions you’re looking for in life. Of course, therapists can’t just ‘fix’ everything on their own. It’s about using those resources you learn in your everyday life that can really turn things around. Still unsure about what therapy could do for you? Take a look at resource page.

Do you have questions? Take a look at our FAQ page.

Recent News!


Introducing our new canine assistant Jazz!!

Scroll down to read more about Jazz

This Is Jazz.

Jazz is a 2-year-old Shorkie. Jazz and I have been together since she was 12 weeks old. Jazz has grown into a natural counselor and therapy dog. Jazz loves people, loves to play and loves her beauty sleep. If you’re not into dogs, that is completely fine. Jazz has a part-time schedule and isn’t in the office every day. Just let me know, and I’ll be happy to help you with an appointment time for a day that she is not in the office.

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Why did I want to start Compassionate Connections?


How it all began.

Believe it or not, my mother taught me compassion before I was born. While pregnant with me, my mother worked at a sheltered workshop with individuals with developmental and intellectual disabilities. While working there she formed a bond with James. James was homeless, abandoned from his family and my mother made the selfless decision to become his guardian and take care of him. My mother provided James with love, care and a sense of family. James instantly became a part of our family and from the moment I was born he was my grandfather.

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While Growing Up…

As I made developmental milestones such as learning to read, write and tie my shoes, I was able to teach James these skills. James and I had an unique and unbreakable bond. Sadly, James passed away a few weeks before I graduated with my Master’s degree in 2014. I realized through grief that the world is missing compassion. I have had my own set of road blocks, set backs and life challenges and I know that I will continue to face challenges at times. I have felt extreme heartache, sadness and unhappiness within my life. I wanted to provide a safe, compassionate place for others to talk and heal, with the hopes that they would spread a little compassion to others on their journey of life. The name Compassionate Connections is not only a way to pay homage to my mother who showed me what unconditional love was, but a way to remember the compassion and love that James gave to me.

“Have compassion and empathy in your heart. Many people are suffering deep emotional anguish beneath the surface of their lives, and smile even as they hurt inside.”

-Jim Palmer